HO YU’s Foreign Migrant worker Policy HO YU's Vendor Code of Ethics expressly forbids any forced, bonded, involuntary prison labor, slavery or trafficking of person. HO YU must comply with all applicable native and local labor laws, together with the Brand’s Vendor Code of Ethics. All work shall be voluntary and foreign migrant workers shall be free to terminate their employment with a verdure upon reasonable notice without penalty. All foreign migrant workers must been employed and paid directly by Ho Yu. HO YU shall maintain adequate control system to ensure that workers have not been charged recruitment or placement fees during their recruitment process. HO YU shall establish an appropriate management system for foreign migrant workers. This includes establishing due diligence and monitoring programs to screen and manage any recruitment agent used to select, recruit and/or transport foreign migrant workers. There shall be no fraud, deception, bribery or coercion in then recruitment process. All aspects of employment terms and conditions shall be transparent at all the times. HO YU shall establish systems to oversee the training and management of foreign migrant worker on equal terms with local workers. |