ISPO MUNICH 2017 運動用品展


ISPO MUNICH 2017 運動用品展 2017年2月5~8日德國,新慕尼黑展覽中心  ISPO MUNICH是一個為期4天的活動,從2017年2月5日至2月8日在德國慕尼黑舉行。 本次活動展示了冒險運動,室內運動,醫學與營養,戶外運動,運動裝備及配件,古董,汽車及配件,美容服務及配件,漫畫,電子與技術,模型製造商及生產商和工藝品,玩具和遊戲,娛樂,鄉村俱樂部,娛樂公園,高爾夫俱樂部,健身俱樂部等在體育用品,玩具和遊戲行業。    ISPO MUNICH 2017 - Sport-Messe‎ 2017-02-05~2017-02-08 Messe Munchen Gmbh

Every year, more than 2,600 international exhibitors present their latest products from the segments of Outdoor, Ski, Action, Performance Sports, Textrends, Health & Fitness and Sourcing at ISPO MUNICH to over 80,000 visitors from 110 countries.

For over 45 years the global leader has provided a comprehensive overview of the entire range of sporting goods, athletic footwear and fashions, as well as the latest trends from these segments. Year for year the custom-tailored trade show concept with special communities and authentic side events guarantees a very unique, personalized and communication-rich atmosphere. As the only multi-segment trade show the event also offers its participants an opportunity to discover discipline-overlapping synergy and cross-selling potential, as well as recognize new segments and trends in advance. Thanks to close cooperation with the industry ISPO can identify market requirements and offers international sports business professionals the best possible presentation and networking platform at ISPO MUNICH.

In order to sustain its internationally leading position throughout the future the organizers continuously work on further improving ISPO MUNICH. Among the tasks is the endorsement of the new generation, as well as drawing the media’s and the public’s attention to industry-related topics. To reach this goal, ISPO will focus even more strongly on networking and partnerships.